After almost sleeping through the night Friday night (it would have happened if the cat hadn't jumped on Carrick and Auggie 3 times during the night), Carrick woke up in a not-so happy mood. Auggie decided to stay in bed a while longer and didn't get up until after Carrick's nap.
Carrick and Auggie got up just after 1:30 from their nap and grabbed a quick lunch before it was off to pick Ria up from a birthday party. We then made a quick trip to Starbucks, where everyone buy daddy waited in the car.
It was then time to head to the recreation complex for Ria's ringette game. (Ringette is kinda like hockey except the stick is straight with no blade and they use a ring instead of a puck. It is pretty much the female form of hockey).
At the rec complex, the boys and I (including Auggie) went to the viewing hall for wait for daddy to get Ria into her gear.
Carrick and Auggie had a ball, running up and down the aisle and Auggie kept trying to fly.
I tried to get a picture of them on a bench but by the time I would get the camera aimed, Auggie would fly away and Carrick would laugh.
Auggie decided at one point to hide in Carrick's hood -- it was so cute because Carrick could see him and kept turning around in circles trying to get at him.
Carrick was also nice enough to show Auggie all of the garbage cans in the corridor over and over again. They also went on a mission of picking up all the trash on the floor to put in the garbage cans.
Auggie also played with Carrick's big brothers and showed them how he could fly and roll like a ball. Carrick was not too happy to share Auggie.
Then it was time to go to the bleachers to watch the game.
Unfortunately, Auggie was not a very good duck inside the arena -- he kept flying down the bleachers and at one point actually landed on the bottom (even though we were in the topmost level). So Auggie had to get a time out -- he sat in the corner on the bleachers for a while (poor Auggie) and then he got to go snuggle inside daddy's pocket where it was nice and warm.
After the game, we all went to the grocery store to pick up some fixin's for supper. Carrick's older brother decided to show Auggie how you should not behave in a grocery store. I really hope Auggie does not pick up any bad tricks here.
When we got home, we realized that Carrick and Auggie were a little under the weather with a slight fever. Both slept rather fitfully during the night and Carrick eventually abandoned Aggie to sleep with mommy and daddy. They both spent all day Sunday either in the crib or on the couch snuggling with mommy as their fevers got higher and they were more lethargic.
Carrick was sad to miss his last swimming lesson today. He had planned to bring Auggie and show him where he swims and maybe take him in the special whale pool at the end of the lesson.
They are both in bed now and will , hopefully , feel better after a good (fingers crossed) night's sleep.
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