Carrick and Auggie woke up just after Daddy's alarm went off. I wasn't so quick to rescue Auggie (truth be told, I am never quick in the morning), so Carrick decided to see if he could fly and threw him from the crib with his stuffies. But he needed to get him as soon as I took him out of his crib so we picked him up and brought him downstairs with us for breakfast. It was so cute, Carrick sat him in the middle of his tray as he ate.
They shared Cheerios, Rice Krispies and pancakes. Carrrick showed Auggie how, after you are finished eating, you throw your spoon, bowl and remaining food on the poor. Carrick is very good at this and usually makes a big mess -- especially when he has cereal with milk like this morning. (I apologize in advance to the next mommy who has Auggie -- he will probably have perfected the art of food flinging before he leaves here. I hope he doesn't teach anyone else!)
At some point after the food flinging, Auggie was ducknapped by Fintan. Unfortunately Carrick didn't notice that Auggie was gone because he was too busy climbing on the dining room table and trying to hang from the chandelaire (sp??). Thankfully, Auggie didn't see that, wouldn't want him to have even more tricks to teach a new friend. Truthfully, I think poor Auggie just needed a rest -- it is hard to keep up with Carrick.
Auggie stayed hiding on the shelf until after lunch. We decided to take him Christmas shopping with us. Well Carrick fell asleep when the car started moving and Auggie found a nice nesting spot amongst the junk on the floor. He didn't even seem to mind when Carrick's almost 3 year old friend Max got in the car.
Auggie was having such a good snooze that I decided to leave him in the car while we went shopping. Carrick actually stayed asleep too when I transferred him to the stroller so it was a very peaceful shopping experience for me.
After shopping, Auggie learned what it was like to be part of this family and play race against the clock. We had just 45 minutes to get home and we still had to drop off Max and his mom (and we mustn't forget the ever important stop at Starbucks).
We made it to the driveway about 2 minutes before the school bus arrived. Auggie and Carrick were very excited to see the bus and the older kids getting off. Poor Auggie, I think he was overwhelmed by all the loud chatter. Unfortunately, he didn't know that the day was going to get even more hectic from there...
We had just 30 minutes for a snack and to nurse before we had to hit the road again to get Ria to gymnastics. First we had to drop Caymus off at his friend Liam's (Max's older brother) and then pick Ria's friend Ava up at her house in the next town.
Enroute to Ava's house, Carrick discovered that if he stuck his fingers down his throat far enough, he could make himself throw up!! He did this twice and managed to throw up quite a bit!! Lucky for Auggie, he had found a nice hiding spot between the car seat and the door and missed the barf! I stopped on the side of the highway to try and clean Carrick up but he was too much of a mess so I had to wait until I got to Ava's house. Ava's mom (who has twins -- a boy and girl -- born in August 2 weeks before Carrick) helped clean up the dirty clothes and car seat while I changed and wiped up the barfy boy. Then we were off -- 15 minutes late.
The traffic was horrendous and I hope that Auggie didn't hear me say a couple of harsh words about the idiots who cut me off!!
Since we were 15 minutes late for our lesson, Auggie decided to stay in the car while Carrick and I dashed in with the girls.
We came out after they joined the class and made a quick trip to Costco. Carrick and Auggie sat in the grocery cart and Carrick made sure to point out all of the garbage cans in the store to Auggie, over and over and over again. He also decided that he wanted to test out Auggie's flying skills again. He thought it was most fun to do this when there were other carts coming at us.
Here I must make a confession.... Auggie was run over by a shopping cart. The nice man then picked him up and handed him back to me. He wasn't hurt at all (good Auggie didn't even cry). It must be true that ducks (or is it cats?) have nine lives. (He will probably have used all 9 by the time Carrick is done with him!!) Auggie spent the rest of the shopping trip in the basket except for when I had to make a quick dash to the washroom. Carrick made sure that Auggie was happy and not bored in the basket by pointing out all of the garbage cans again. He also sang "the wheels on the bus" over and over again for Auggie.
Shopping was done and Auggie and Carrick got in the car while I loaded the groceries. And we were off to pick up the girls. We were a bit early so Carrick, Auggie and I went to the viewing room. Carrick tried to introduce Auggie to the art of gymnastics by throwing him on the floor. Not sure how impressed the lady was who had Auggie almost land in her lap.
Ah but Carrick was smart, he had distracted me enough to get me to loosen the mommy grip. And he was off... he picked Auggie up and tried to escape into the gym with him. I caught them in time before they got knocked over by some cartwheeling 7 year olds.
Carrick was not upset at all, because when I turned him around, he realized that there was a GARBAGE CAN in the waiting room!! He brought Auggie over to it and held him above it as they both observed the contents. (I was scared Auggie was going to go swimming in the garbage but he didn't.)
Auggie and Carrick then got to visit the girls changing room as we waited for them to get off their leotards. Auggie loved climbing the benches with Carrick. Then Auggie got to check out the shoe racks while the girls put their shoes on.
Since Daddy is home tonight, Carrick nursed, brushed his teeth and then he and Auggie gave the big brothers kisses and turned out all the lights while mommy brought big sister to bed.
Stay tuned to see if Auggie's influence continues and he and Carrick sleep through the night again.... Tomorrow will be another busy day as Auggie takes in a game of ringette and gets to take part in the fun of sitting in the bleachers in an arena for an hour.
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